The Council Office is the secretariat of the University’s Governing Council. The Council, by the act establishing it has responsibility for the general control and superintendence of the policy, finances and property of the University, including its public relations.
The office is headed by a Deputy Registrar, who is responsible to the Registrar for the day-to-day administration of the affairs of the office. The office has responsibilities, amongst others:
a) Servicing of the meetings of Council, the Finance and General Purposes Committee, and other Council Committees;
b) Developing minutes of the Council and its Committees’ meetings and taking follow-up actions on decisions arising from the meetings for necessary implementation by appropriate organs of the University; and harvesting updates on matters arising from the implementation of decisions.
c) Preparing and circulating of agenda papers for Council meetings;
d) Liaising with Council members on behalf of the Registrar in all matters affecting the welfare of the members;
e) Carrying out other administrative duties as may be directed by the Registrar;
f) Meetings of Council and its committees are statutory scheduled to hold quarterly, while special (emergency) meetings are held as and when necessary; and
g) Ensuring that the schedules of the quarterly meetings are circulated to members well ahead of time.